
Research into the History of the Slasher Horror sub-genre

As I research into these documentaries, they were very beneficial to my understanding and development of the Slasher genre over the decades. With regards to Wes Craven's 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' it gave me great insight into how the genre has developed into a franchise and it discussed some of the issues it faced such as remaining entertaining to the target audience along with the problems of merchandising
and promoting Slasher films.

This documentary was brilliant for my understanding of the Slasher conventions, especially coming from professional filmakers such as Wes Craven, Sean S. Cunningham and even Robert Englund. It gave me a better understanding of how to compose a horror film which sticks to typical conventions, with useful examples from the film 'Scream'. The documentary reflected how the conventions are what makes the slasher films so iconic, which is crucial in order to establish a connection with the audience.

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